“Chamber Delights” with Arcangelo New Ensemblists
At this special recital in the beautiful setting of the Picture Gallery at the Foundling Museum, Arcangelo Artistic Director Jonathan Cohen will introduce the five members of Arcangelo’s 2024-26 New Ensemblists programme: violinists Leo Appel (UK) and Carmen Lavada Johnson-Pájaro (USA), violist Jaume Pueyo Solà (ES), cellist Martin Egidi (CH) and bassoonist Francisco Javier Sánchez Castillo (ES).
Created in 2020, the Arcangelo New Ensemblists programme has so far offered breakthrough career support to 11 young musicians specialised in period performance at the crucial transition point between conservatoire and the profession.
For their first public appearance together in the UK as a standalone ensemble, these exciting emerging instrumentalists will present a programme of ‘chamber delights’ featuring music from Handel and his contemporaries.
Director/Harpsichord Jonathan Cohen
Arcangelo New Ensemblists
H. Eccles – Violin Sonata in G minor (8’)
I. Grave
II. Courante
III. Adagio
IV. Vivace
Eccles – The Mad Lover – Aire (Ground) (3’40)
Carmen Lavada Johnson-Pájaro – Violin
Martin Egidi – Cello
G. Bononcini – Sinfonia per violoncello solo in D major (6’)
I. Largo – Allegro – Grave
II. Allegro
III. Adagio
IV. Minuetto
A. Scarlatti – Sonata in C minor (8’30)
I. Largo
II. Allegro
III. Piano
IV. Presto
Martin Egidi – Cello
Francisco Javier Sánchez Castillo – Bassoon
G. F. Handel – Trio Sonata in G minor, Op.2 no 5, HWV 390 (11’)
I. Larghetto – Adagio
II. Allegro
III. Adagio
IV. Allegro
Leo Appel, Carmen Lavada Johnson-Pájaro – violins
Martin Egidi – Cello
J.-F. Rebel – Violin Sonata no 6 in B minor (10’)
I. Grave
II. Légèrement
III. Gracieusement
IV. Viste
Leo Appel – Violin
Martin Egidi – Cello
W. Flackton – Viola Sonata in C minor, Op.2 no 8 (9’)
I. Adagio
II. Allegro moderato
III. Siciliana
IV. Minuetto & Variation
Jaume Pueyo Solà – Viola
Martin Egidi – Cello
F. Devienne – Bassoon Sonata in F major, Op.24 no 3 (11’20)
I. Allegro
II. Largo
III. Rondeau
Francisco Javier Sánchez Castillo – Bassoon
Martin Egidi – Cello
J. Jenkins – Pavan 3 in F (5’)
Purcell – Fantasia upon one note (3’)
Carmen Lavada Johnson-Pájaro, Leo Appel – violins
Jaume Pueyo Solà – Viola
Francisco Javier Sánchez Castillo – Bassoon
Martin Egidi – Cello
Concert length: 95 minutes (includes one interval)
Tickets: £35 (unreserved seating), includes entry to The Foundling Museum.