What's On

Handel at Cannons

Handel at Cannons

Saturday 24 November, 7.30pm, St Lawrence, Little Stanmore

Handel Chandos Anthem No. 10, The Lord is my light HWV 255
Handel Chandos Te Deum HWV 281

Adrian Butterfield, our Associate Director, has built a reputation for performing the works Handel wrote during his time at the Cannons estate in an authentic manner – for solo voices in the way Handel originally intended, and in the sumptuous Georgian church where they were first performed. Handel was a guest of James Brydges, who became the Duke of Chandos and commissioned the composer to write eleven anthems and a Te Deum.

Our concert will feature five internationally recognised soloists, in addition to short talks by leading Handel expert Graydon Beeks and organ restorer Dominic Gwynn. A newly issued CD which includes the Te Deum will be on sale at the event.

Grace Davidson soprano
Charles Daniels tenor
Nicholas Mulroy tenor
Benedict Hymas tenor
Edward Grint baritone

Adrian Butterfield conductor
Alastair Ross organ
London Handel Orchestra

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