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Handel Singing Competition – application to enter

Handel Singing Competition – application to enter

The composer George Frideric Handel was known to encourage and train young, unestablished singers, many of whom rose to fame as his star soloists. We continue Handel’s great tradition of nurturing talent through our Handel Singing Competition, which is presented as part of the annual London Handel Festival. For full details, please see the relevant section of our website. Please read the relevant pages on the Handel Singing Competition section of our website, especially our ‘Notes for Singers’ document on the 2022 Handel Singing Competition page before you enter.


First Prize: £5000
Second Prize: £2000
Audience Prize: £300
Finalist Award: £300


23 to 34 years old as of 1 February 2021 i.e. you must be at least 23 years old and no older than 34 on this date.


20 December 2021
12 midnight (UK Time)

All applications must be made via our online booking process here. Please click ‘Book Now’ below and then enter 1 against your voice type and continue with entering your details. If you do not already have a registered account with us, you will need to enter your details as a new user. Applications can be made from 1 November 2020.

Please enter by filling in your details and paying here, and then by completing the ‘Further Details’ form available on our website.


There is registration fee of £45 (£44 + £1 transaction fee) payable for entering the competition, to be made through our online application process.

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